Hazardous Goods Transport

If your vehicle transports hazardous goods in accordance with Germany’s Regulations for the Conveyance of Hazardous Goods by Road, Rail and Inland Navigation (GGVSEB), special safety regulations apply. You must therefore notify us in writing of all journeys with hazardous goods at least three working days before the planned date of travel. We review all requests in the order in which they are received. After a successful booking we will send you written confirmation.

The following applies to your hazardous goods registration:

  • Please fill out the following form carefully.
  • Please send us your reservation request at least 3 working days before the planned date of travel.
  • Once the reservation has been made, you will receive written confirmation from us. If there are no more spaces available for your desired dates of travel, we will inform you promptly and discuss alternatives with you.
  • If you wish to cancel your reservation, please do so by emailing kundencenter-westerland@autozug-sylt.de by 12:00 noon on the working day before the booking date.
  • If you fail to arrive by 12 noon on the working day before the booking date, we will charge you the fare according to our tariff for your reserved crossing.
  • We will keep your reserved spot on the train in Niebüll free for you until 60 minutes before the close of loading time published in the timetable. Our check-in takes place at the loading terminal Niebüll in Lane 11.
  • We will hold your reserved spot in Westerland until 30 minutes before the close of loading time published in the timetable. Our check-in at the Westerland loading terminal is in Lane 7.
Register hazardous goods here


Vehicle data

Reservation Info

Definition of hazardous goods Part 1

Definition of hazardous goods Part 2

Definition of hazardous goods Part 3

Legal information

Conditions of Carriage and Privacy Policy

Please note that your reservation is not valid until you receive written confirmation from us. If there are no more spaces available for your desired dates of travel, we will inform you promptly and offer you alternative dates.

The data submitted will be processed for the purpose of processing your request. Further information on how we use your data can be found in the Privacy Statement