For Editors

Press and Media

Thank you for your interest in the BlueTrain to Sylt. We are happy to provide editors and journalists with information at any time. You will also find royalty-free printable image material and the latest press releases here.

Anita Hallmann
Tel.: +49 162 1061947

Note: Film, TV and photo shoots at the loading terminals are only possible with prior permission.


Information about RDC Germany can be found on our company website.

    • Die RDC Deutschland Gruppe lädt alle Interessierten herzlich ein zum Tag der Schiene am

      Samstag, den 17. September 2022 in der Zeit von 11 bis 17 Uhr

      auf den Betriebshof der NEG in der Rathausstraße 7 in Niebüll.

      Im Rahmen der Europäischen Mobilitätswoche präsentieren die Norddeutsche Eisenbahn Niebüll GmbH (NEG) und ihre RDC-Schwestern, u.a. der RDC AUTOZUG Sylt, ihre Streifzüge durch die Eisenbahn-Landschaft.

      „Der Schienenverkehr ist für die Verkehrswende von überragender Bedeutung. Nur selten gibt es Gelegenheiten, auch einmal hinter die Kulissen zu gucken. Nutzen Sie die Chance, am Tag der Schiene mehr über die NEG und RDC zu erfahren. Spannend sind auch die Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und Stellenangebote für Fachkräfte. Das Programm hat für alle Altersklassen etwas zu bieten.“, so Claus Ruhe Madsen, Wirtschaftsminister von Schleswig-Holstein, der sich bereits Ende August bei seinem Besuch in Niebüll einen persönlichen Eindruck von der RDC Deutschland Gruppe verschafft hat.

      Auf dem Betriebshof der NEG werden Werkstattführungen, Lokbesichtigungen und Stellwerkführungen angeboten. „Am Tag der Schiene machen wir Eisenbahn greifbar und bieten Interessierten die Gelegenheit, einen Einblick in unsere Tätigkeiten zu erhalten.“, freut sich Julian Rönsch, Geschäftsführer der NEG. Die NEG informiert über ihre Infrastrukturprojekte - und wer an der Praxis von Eisenbahn-Infrastruktur interessiert ist, hat die Gelegenheit, unter Anleitung des Teams Schwellen zu schrauben und Spuren zu messen.

      Darüber hinaus informieren die Eisenbahnunternehmen über Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und Stellenangebote fürFachkräfte. „Wenn ich groß bin, werde ich Lokführer – das ist bei uns möglich!“ so Gerhard Neumann, Geschäftsführer der NEG. „Wir sind nicht nur als Arbeitgeber, sondern auch als Ausbildungsbetrieb in der Region bekannt. Mit unseren RDC-Schwestern können wir weitere Stellen für Fachkräfte und Quereinsteiger anbieten.“

      „Wie freuen uns sehr darauf, am Tag der Schiene bei der NEG die gesamte Bandbreite der RDC als eine führende Privatbahn in Schleswig-Holstein und im deutschen und europäischen Nachtzugverkehr vorzustellen“, erläutert Dr. Markus Hunkel, Geschäftsführer der RDC Deutschland. „Wir sind leidenschaftliche Eisenbahner und glauben fest daran, dass Wettbewerb und privatwirtschaftliches Engagement entscheidende Triebfedern sind, um einen kundenfreundlicheren und erfolgreicheren Eisenbahnverkehr zu schaffen.“

      Neben Personenverkehren bietet die RDC Deutschland auch Güterverkehr an. „Mit dem Güterzug Schleswig-Holstein sind wir ein zuverlässiger Partner für modernen Güterzugverkehr in Norddeutschland und bieten flexiblen Güterzugservice für Unternehmen aus vielfältigen Branchen der Industrie und Logistik an.“, so Torge Nielsen, Geschäftsführer RDC AUTOZUG Sylt.

      Am Tag der Schiene kommen Spiel, Spaß und Spannung nicht zu kurz: Mit den Eisenbahnfreunden Uetersen-Tornesch finden Draisinenfahrten statt – Besucher können ihr Geschick an der Handhebel-Draisine testen. Jeweils um 13 Uhr und um 15 Uhr demonstrieren THW, Feuerwehr, DRK und DLRG eine Rettungs- und Bergungsaktion. Auch jüngere Gäste werden beschäftigt und dürfen in der Hüpfburg toben oder Bilder malen. Und für das leibliche Wohl der Besucher ist ebenfalls gesorgt.

      Die NEG bittet um Anreise mit Rad, Bus oder Bahn und weist darauf hin, dass es auf dem NEG-Gelände am Tag der Schiene keine Besucherparkplätze gibt; ein kostenpflichtiges Parkhaus befindet in der Nähe. 

      Weitere Informationen erteilt gerne

      Anita Hallmann

      Leiterin Unternehmenskommunikation
      Mail:; Tel.: +49 162 106 1947 


      RDC Deutschland Gruppe

      Die RDC Deutschland Gruppe mit Sitz in Hamburg gehört zur Railroad Development Corporation RDC (, ein mittelständisches Privatunternehmen aus Pittsburgh, das im Eigentum der Familie Posner steht. Die RDC ist weltweit tätig und setzt auf mutige, ehrgeizige Partnerschaften, um die Branche in die Zukunft zu führen. Seit über drei Jahrzehnten investiert RDC in den Aufbau und Betrieb von Eisenbahnen in aufstrebenden Märkten in Nordamerika, Lateinamerika, Europa und Afrika.

      Die RDC Deutschland Gruppe ( ist mit rund 300 Mitarbeiter*innen als eine führende Privatbahn in Schleswig-Holstein und im deutschen und europäischen Nachtzugverkehr aktiv. Zur Gruppe gehören die RDC AUTOZUG Sylt GmbH (Sitz Westerland), die Norddeutsche Eisenbahn Niebüll GmbH (Sitz Niebüll), die RDC Asset GmbH (Sitz Hamburg) sowie die BTE BahnTouristikExpress GmbH (Sitz Nürnberg).

      Die Norddeutsche Eisenbahn Niebüll GmbH (NEG) ist ein mittelständisch strukturiertes Unternehmen mit 75 Mit-arbeiter*innen und gehört seit 2022 zur RDC Familie. Seit 1895 verbindet die NEG Tradition mit Innovation im Kreis Nordfriesland. Als Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen betreibt die NEG den Eisenbahnverkehr zwischen Niebüll und Dagebüll mit Fähranschluss zu den Inseln Föhr und Amrum. In Kooperation mit der dänischen ARRIVA Tog A/S fährt sie auf der Strecke Niebüll – Tønder in Dänemark. Jährlich befördert die NEG mehr als 420.000 Fahrgäste. Mit ihrer freien Werkstatt bietet die NEG Wartungs- und Instandhaltungsarbeiten für schienen- und straßengebundene Nutzfahrzeuge an. Als Eisenbahninfrastrukturunternehmen betreibt die NEG Strecken und Serviceeinrichtungen; sie sorgt für moderne Gleisanlagen, Bahnübergänge und Haltestellen.

    • Niebüll I 28 Sep 2018

      The Blue CarTrain to Sylt now offers all frequent travelers the opportunity to make advance online reservations for a fixed place aboard the train while also enjoying all Frequent Traveler Card holder or Business Customer discounts.

      “Only with us can car-train customers book a spot on a specific train, online. We are happy to now offer this reservation service to the steadily growing number of loyal frequent travelers. Island residents, second-home owners, Sylt entrepreneurs, and tourists with a Frequent Traveler Card holder or Business Customer Card will have their spots held for them free of charge until ten minutes before loading closes,” says Dr. Markus Hunkel, Managing Director of RDC AUTOZUG Sylt GmbH.

      Frequent drivers with online reservations also benefit from the Blue CarTrain to Sylt’s punctuality campaign, launched at the end of August. It offers a €10 voucher* to passengers with a Frequent Traveler Card whose pre-booked train arrives with a delay of 30 minutes or more. Frequent travelers with a Business customer card will receive a €10 invoice credit if the train reserved in advance arrives 30 minutes or more late. This happens automatically and with no red tape: no proof is required; the digital booking and scheduling system automatically evaluates delays. Passenger rights in the event of delay remain unaffected; the shopping voucher or invoice credit are granted on top of any other compensation.

      The Blue CarTrain to Sylt’s punctuality campaign launched on August 20, initially as a pilot, and is now valid until further notice for all online customers who book or have booked a ticket with reservation online at since August 20, 18, regardless of the date of travel. The company’s punctuality campaign partner is Coya AG, a new Berlin-based online insurance provider. “We are very pleased to be able to offer travelers added assurance in cooperation with the Blue CarTrain to Sylt. The direct and fully automatic compensation eliminates the need for customers to get in touch themselves in order to receive indemnity,” explains Laura Kauther, a member of the Executive Board of Coya AG.

      Further information can be found in the attached On-time Guarantee FAQs.

      Information on applying for a free Frequent Traveler Card or Business Customer Card is available at



      About the Blue CarTrain to Sylt:

      RDC AUTOZUG Sylt GmbH is the first private railway company to transport vehicles with passengers from the mainland to the island of Sylt and back via the Hindenburgdamm. The Sylt-based company belongs to the Railroad Development Corporation (RDC), a medium-sized, globally active railway company headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (U.S.). In spring 2015, the company obtained a ten-year framework agreement for the Blue CarTrain to Sylt, and has been operating the line 365 days a year since October 2018. In the 2018 Timetable year, passengers on the Blue CarTrain to Sylt can travel between Niebüll and Westerland/Sylt up to 24 times a day. The Blue CarTrain to Sylt is the only provider to offer online tickets with reserved slots. At the loading terminals in Niebüll (Lanes 9 and 10) and Westerland (Lane 1) passengers check in at the friendly service staff and can also buy their tickets there.

      About COYA AG:

      Coya is the first European insurer to rethink the entire value chain digitally, right from the beginning. Coya focuses on its customers and offers them maximum convenience and functionality with transparent insurance products at low cost, by using the latest technologies at every step of the value chain. Founded in 2016, Berlin-based Coya AG now employs around 60 people from 19 different nations. More about Coya at

    • 2018 Timetable valid from Dec 10, 2017

      Niebüll I 06 Dec 2017

      The BlueTrain to Sylt from RDC offers a significantly expanded timetable for the line between Niebüll and Westerland/Sylt in 2018. During the high season, the private train operator has scheduled up to 22 runs a day between the mainland and the island, and in the winter months (Dec 10, 2017 to Mar 22, 2018, and Nov 5 to Dec 8, 2018) it usually offers 16 journeys in line with demand. “We are very pleased to be able to offer our passengers a much better timetable now,” says Dr. Markus Hunkel, Managing Director of RDC Germany.

      For the Christmas and New Year’s Eve holiday periods, the BlueTrain to Sylt will offer six additional journeys per day in addition to its regular timetable on Dec 21-23 and Dec 26-28, 2017, and January 1-6, 2018. The last blue car train leaves Niebüll at 9:05 PM, and Westerland/Sylt at 10:30 PM on these days (close of loading). Starting Dec 15, 2017, every passenger checking in at the loading terminals will receive a sweet Christmas treat from the friendly service staff.

      Information and timetable at

      The 2018 timetable is valid from December 10, 2017 to December 8, 2018.


    • Two Siemens Vectron DE locomotives to be used on the Sylt line in the future

      Niebüll I 09 Nov 2017

      Shortly before the change in timetables on December 10, 2017, RDC AUTOZUG Sylt GmbH has bought two new Siemens Vectron DE locomotives from the Munich factory for its train between Niebüll and Westerland/Sylt.

      The Vectron DE is touted as one of the quietest and most efficient diesel-electric locomotives in the world in its power class. It reaches a top speed of 160km/h; the engine comes from MTU.

      The first locomotive, no. 247 908, will be transferred to Northern Germany this weekend. After a training phase lasting several weeks, it will be used in commercial operations from the turn of the year at the latest. The second Vectron DE, no. 247 909, will be delivered in June 2018.

      “We very much look forward to operating our train service to Sylt with these modern, quiet, and efficient locomotives in the future. An investment that shows that, after our successful first season, we’re on the Sylt line to stay,” says Dr. Markus Hunkel, Managing Director of RDC Germany.

      In the new timetable year, the BlueTrain to Sylt expands its offer significantly and evenly distributed times throughout the day for passengers’ convenience. This will be achieved by running two blue train sets on the Sylt line.

      Timetables and information at


    • Co-CEO Karsten Nagel leaves the company.

      Hamburg, 02 Jun 2017

      Dr. Markus Hunkel (45) has been appointed sole Managing Director of Railroad Development Corporation Deutschland GmbH (RDC D) and AUTOZUG Sylt GmbH. Hunkel, who holds a doctorate in industrial engineering, has been with RDC D since February 2017. His duties include the successful supervision of the production and launch of the blue AUTOZUG Sylt. Prior to this, Hunkel worked for 16 years in various management positions at Deutsche Bahn AG, most recently as Chief Operations Officer of DB Schenker Rail AG.

      His former Co-Managing Director Karsten Nagel (51) has resigned from the management of RDC Deutschland GmbH, AUTOZUG Sylt GmbH and BTE BahnTouristikExpress GmbH with effect from May 31.

      Railroad Development Corporation Chairman Henry Posner III commented: “We would like to thank Karsten Nagel for his extraordinary commitment. Markus Hunkel will now serve as the sole managing director as we successfully advance the development and expansion of our railway projects in Germany.”

      Download a CV and photo at

      Information about the BlueTrain to Sylt at


    • Dr. Markus Hunkel Appointed Managing Director of BlueTrain to Sylt.

      Niebüll | 27 Jan 2017

      America’s Railroad Development Corporation (RDC) has strengthened the personnel of its German subsidiary RDC Deutschland GmbH (RDC D).

      Dr. Markus Hunkel (45), a proven expert for production, sales and marketing, joins the German management of the private railway transport company.

      The industrial engineer, who holds a doctorate in industrial engineering, previously spent 16 years in various management positions at Deutsche Bahn AG, most recently as Member of the Board of Chief Production Officer at DB Schenker Rail AG. As Managing Director of RDC Deutschland GmbH at RDC D, Hunkel takes over the management of BlueTrain to Sylt, which has been transporting vehicles with passengers from Niebüll/Festland to Westerland/Sylt since October 2016, with immediate effect.

      “I’m delighted to have Markus Hunkel on board, an experienced leader who will successfully establish the BlueTrain to Sylt in the market,” says Henry Posner III, owner of Railroad Development Corporation.

      “Following the successful start of operations in autumn, we now need to present our train service as an attractive alternative for the island of Sylt’s residents, commuters and visitors,” says Hunkel.

      Jens Arne Jensen, Managing Director of RDC D since April 1, 2016, has left the company.


    • To Sylt and return for €75. 14 rides a day, including late trains.

      Niebüll | 22 Dec 2016

      The new BlueTrain to Sylt has opened the Christmas season: All vehicles up to a weight of three tons now pay €75 for a round-trip ticket.

      The return journey must be made within two months after the outward journey. Heavy vehicles up to 7.5 tons pay €75 for a one-way ticket.

      Since October, the new BlueTrain to Sylt has transported passengers from the mainland to Sylt and back, in their vehicles, on blue flatcars with a clear view of the Wadden Sea. It offers 14 trips a day, seven days a week.

      The new BlueTrain to Sylt also offers the last opportunity for traveling to the island or the mainland with a car, every day. The last car-train leaves Niebüll for the island at 10:00 PM (close of loading), and the last train to the mainland leaves at 11:05 PM.

      Attention: On Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve our last train departs from Niebüll at 4:30 PM, and from Westerland at 5:55 PM.

      Vehicles up to 2.70 m high, 2.20 m wide, 6.00 m long and with a permissible gross weight of no more than 7.5 t can board the train (unfortunately, motorhomes, motorcycles, heavy trucks, and buses will not be transported, and should use the DB Sylt Shuttle or the Sylt Ferry)

      Islanders with proof of residence travel at discounted rates, frequent travelers can purchase inexpensive 10-packs of tickets. Further information on fares, the winter timetable, and the latest news can always be found at


    • After a successful start-up phase, vans up to 7.5 t can now ride on the train

      Niebüll | 09 Dec 2016

      The new timetable year begins on December 11, 2016 and the Federal Network Timetable 2017 comes into force. Accordingly, starting Sunday, the BlueTrain to Sylt will expand its offer for the transport of vehicles with passengers to and from the island of Sylt.

      Because of the construction work on the Sylt line, the BlueTrain to Sylt has been running on a pared-down schedule with short trains, small vehicle categories, 5-day operation and initially few journeys in the first few weeks since it launched operations on October 18, 2016.

      As of Sunday, the BlueTrain to Sylt will carry up to 80 cars on a 600-meter full-length train – on flatcars with a clear view of the Wadden Sea. We offer up to 14 trips a day, seven days a week. Vehicles up to 2.70 m high, 2.20 m wide, 6.00 m long and with a permissible gross weight of no more than 7.5 t can board the train (unfortunately, motorhomes, motorcycles, heavy trucks, and buses will not be transported, and should please use the DB Sylt Shuttle or the Sylt Ferry).

      The lowest available fare for non-Sylt residents in a car is €35 (10-pack), for Island residents €19 (10-pack). Vehicles with a total weight of more than 3.0 t and up to 7.5 t pay €75 and €40 respectively (10-pack Island residents). On special occasions there will be special prices. All RATEs: see overview below.

      The last train from Niebüll to the island leaves daily at 10:00 PM (departure: 10:16 PM), the last train to the mainland at 11:05 PM. WINTER TIMETABLE: see attached. Up-to-date information on departure times and discount specials can be found at


      Up-to-date information is posted at

    • Following successful start phase, now more trips daily Mon-Sun

      Niebüll | 22 Nov 2016

      The BlueTrain to Sylt now transports cars and vans (max. height 2.10 m) on the Sylt line – six times a day, seven days a week.

      “After the successful start-up phase, we are now expanding our range as planned. Our prices remain reasonable,” says Jens Arne Jensen, Managing Director of RDC Germany.

      In addition to the 10:30 AM and 3:30 PM departures from Niebüll (close of loading), an early departure from Niebüll at 5:30 AM has been added. From Westerland, there is a new evening run at 7:55 PM, in addition to the departures at 9:25 AM and 1:25 PM.

      The promotional price of €25/single trip is valid up until and including December 10, 2016.

      As of the timetable change on Dec 11, 2016, the BlueTrain to Sylt will run up to 14 times a day. WINTER TIMETABLE (until 4.4.2017) : see annex. The latest train from Niebüll leaves daily at 22:00 (departure: 22.16) for the island, the latest one for the mainland at 23:05.

      Once the 600 m full-length train is put into operation from Dec 5, 2016, larger vehicles up to max. 2.70 m height, 2.20 m width, 6.00 m length and 3 t gross vehicle weight (GTW) can also be transported. Starting Dec 11, 2016 the CarTrain to Sylt will also transport heavy transporters up to 7.5 t zGG.

      When planning their trips, customers are advised to always check for the latest discount promotions and any deviating departure times.


    • Special price of €25 per trip extended through December 10, 2016

      Niebüll | 04 Nov 2016

      To accommodate the extensive track construction work on the Sylt line announced by DB Netz AG, the BlueTrain to Sylt will suspend all operations in the week ahead.

      Up to and including Sunday, 13 November 2016, there will be no journeys on RDC Germany’s BlueTrain. DB’s red Sylt Shuttle will offer a pared-down timetable during this period.

      The background to this is that the tracks that are usually available to the BlueTrain to Sylt for parking its wagons are needed by the construction vehicles. “In a spirit of consideration towards the island, we are withdrawing our train from the island during this time, so that the necessary construction work can be carried out speedily,” says Jens Arne Jensen, Managing Director of RDC Germany.

      The BlueTrain to Sylt will resume operations on Monday, November 14, 2016. In the weeks that follow, however, further construction-related restrictions will be imposed on all railway undertakings and their customers on the Sylt route until the timetable change on December 11, 2016. The special promotional offer of €25 per one-way trip (cars and small vans up to 2.10 m high) will therefore be extended until December 10, 2016. “By continuing to offer our special €25 rate until the timetable change, we hope to at least be able to partly compensate our customers for the inconvenience during the time of DB Netz AG’s construction work,” says Karsten Nagel, Managing Director of RDC Germany.

      All in all, three weeks after operations start-up, the BlueTrain to Sylt is satisfied with its launch. “We are getting a lot of positive feedback from our passengers, and are happy that our launch has gone smoothly for the most part so far,” says Jens Arne Jensen.

      The coexistence of the BlueTrain to Sylt and the DB Sylt Shuttle at the loading terminals in Niebüll and Westerland is also going well.

      Up-to-date information for customers is always posted at


    • RDC Germany transports its first passengers from Sylt to the mainland

      Niebüll | 18 Oct 2016

      This morning, the new BlueTrain to Sylt operated by RDC Germany (RDC G) transported passengers in their vehicles from the island of Sylt to the mainland for the first time.

      Henry Posner III, founder and owner of the Railroad Development Corporation (RDC), was on board for the maiden voyage, which left on schedule at 9:40 AM from the loading station in Westerland/Sylt for Niebüll on the mainland.

      “I am delighted that we can finally offer Sylt Islanders, their guests, and anyone who has business on the island with their own vehicle a ride on our BlueTrain to Sylt,” says Henry Posner III.

      In spring 2015, following DB Netz’s tendering procedure, RDC D was the first private rail transport company to be awarded a ten-year basic contract for twelve car-train connections per day on the Sylt line.

      “The installation of the emergency brake wire rope hoist, loudspeakers, fire extinguishers and the special drive-over flaps in the transport trolleys proved quite complicated. Then, our test runs showed that further optimizations to the vehicles would make sense. We took care of each of these steps calmly and thoroughly, even if it was a real test of patience for everyone,” says Jens Arne Jensen, Managing Director of RDC Germany.

      In view of the extensive track construction work on the Sylt line and at Westerland station announced by DB Netz for November and December, the BlueTrain to Sylt will run on a restricted schedule in the first few weeks (see next page).

      After the construction is completed, and the Federal Network Timetable 2017 goes into effect (from December 11, 2016), the BlueTrain to Sylt will begin regular operation.

      “In the first three weeks, we are offering one-way trips at a special price of just 25 euros. This will give Sylt drivers an opportunity to just try us out,” says Karsten Nagel, Managing Director of RDC Germany.

      PRELIMINARY TIMETABLE (pared-down schedule as follows, due to construction on the line)

      The BlueTrain to Sylt only runs on weekdays (Monday to Friday) at the following times:

      • From Sylt: 9:25 AM and 1:25 PM from Westerland (close of loading, train departs 15 min. later)
      • To Sylt: 10:30 AM and 3:30 PM from Niebüll (close of loading, train departs 16 min. later)


      The BlueTrain to Sylt will initially operate as a short train, half the regular length. It offers space for about 25 vehicles and only transports cars and small vans up to 2.10 m high. The vehicles must have a minimum floor height of ten centimeters.

      For now, tickets for the BlueTrain may only be purchased in person from the service team, directly at the waiting lanes of the BlueTrain (Niebüll: Lanes 9 und 10 I Westerland: Lane 1). Payment can conveniently be made in cash or by EC/credit card without leaving the vehicle (Rates: see next page).

      In the week from November 7 to 11, 2016, the CarTrain to Sylt will be forced to suspend operations due to the construction work on the tracks.

      REGULAR TIMETABLE (valid from December 11, 2016)

      From Westerland, Monday through Sunday:

      04:55 AM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)
      07:25 AM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)
      09:55 AM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)
      12:25 PM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)
      02:55 PM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)
      05:55 PM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)
      08:25 PM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)

      From Niebüll, Monday through Sunday:

      06:00 AM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)
      08:30 AM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)
      11:00 AM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)
      01:30 PM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)
      04:30 PM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)
      07:00 PM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)
      09:30 PM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)

      SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY RATE (October 18 to November 4):

      • One-way I Monday to Friday €25


      Attention: November 4 to 11: No journeys due to construction work on the tracks!

      REGULAR RATES (valid from November 14, 2016)

      • Passenger cars and small vans up to 2.10 meters high
      • One-way I Monday and Friday €45
      • One-way I Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday €40

      Passenger cars and small vans up to 2.10 meters high

      • Round-trip I Monday and Friday €80
      • Round-trip I Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday €70


      • 10-ride pack €350


      ISLANDER RATE (with proof of residency)

      • 10-ride pack €190
      • Single ticket (one-way) €25


      Information on buying/ proof of residency for 10-trip packs / Islander Rate from November 7, 2016 on

      Larger vehicles such as trucks or motorhomes as well as motorcycles should please use the “DB Sylt Shuttle” or the Sylt Ferry (between List/Sylt and Rømø/Denmark) instead.

      More at and

      More about RDC Germany at


    • Restrictions initially apply due to track construction work

      Niebüll | 11 Oct 2016

      On Tuesday, October 18, 2016, the BlueTrain to Sylt of RDC Germany will start operating with passengers on board.

      In view of the extensive track construction work on the Sylt line and at Westerland station announced by DB Netz for November and December, the BlueTrain to Sylt is operating with restrictions in the first few weeks.

      After completion of the construction phase and conversion to the Federal Network Timetable 2017 (valid from 11 December 2016), the CarTrain to Sylt will start regular operation.

      Until then, the following temporary restrictions apply:

      The BlueTrain to Sylt will initially only run on weekdays at the following times:

      • From Sylt: 9:25 AM and 1:25 PM from Westerland (close of loading; train departs 15 minutes later).
      • To Sylt: 10:30 AM and 3:30 PM from Niebüll (close of loading; train departs 16 minutes later).


      The BlueTrain to Sylt will initially operate as a short train, half the regular length. It offers space for about 25 vehicles and only transports cars and small vans up to 2.10 m high. The vehicles must have a minimum floor height of ten centimeters.

      For now, tickets for the BlueTrain to Sylt may only be purchased in person from the service team, directly at the waiting lanes of the CarTrain to Sylt.

      At launch, the BlueTrain to Sylt is offering standard tickets at a reduced introductory special rate. One-way tickets cost just €25 (valid October 18 to November 4, 2016).

      In the week from November 7 to 11, 2016, the BlueTrain to Sylt will be forced to suspend operations due to DB’s construction work on the tracks.

      “Even though we are not yet able to offer our full range of services, we’re happy to finally get going,” says Jens Arne Jensen, Managing Director of RDC Germany.

       “We are deliberately accommodating DB Netz’s wish to carry out the construction work on the tracks during the low-season period in November. From December 11th on it really starts”, says Karsten Nagel, Managing Director of RDC Germany.

      Future timetable (valid from 11 December 2016)

      From Westerland, Monday through Sunday:

      04:55 AM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)
      07:25 AM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)
      09:55 AM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)
      12:25 PM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)
      02:55 PM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)
      05:55 PM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)
      08:25 PM (Close of loading I train departs 15 minutes later)

      From Niebüll, Monday through Sunday:

      06:00 AM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)
      08:30 AM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)
      11:00 AM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)
      01:30 PM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)
      04:30 PM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)
      07:00 PM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)
      09:30 PM (Close of loading I train departs 16 minutes later)

      REGULAR RATES and TICKETS (valid from 14 November 2016)

      Passenger cars and small vans up to 2.10 meters height

      • One-way I Monday and Friday                              45 EUR
      • One-way I Tuesday to Thursday                    40 EUR


      Passenger cars and small vans up to 2.10 meters height

      • Round-trip I Monday and Friday                from 80 EUR
      • Round-trip I Tuesday to Thursday              70 EUR


      Frequent travelers can purchase discounted 10-ride packs, Sylt residents with proof of residence ride at a discounted islander rate. Information on this will be available at from November 7, 2016

      Larger vehicles such as trucks and motorhomes, as well as motorcycles should please use the DB Sylt Shuttle or the Sylt Ferry (between List/Sylt and Rømø/Denmark) instead.

      The waiting lanes for the BlueTrain to Sylt in Westerland (Lane 1) and Niebüll (Lanes 9 and 10) each open one and a half hours before loading closes.

      Planning information for the press: Operations start-up will take place on 18 Oct 2016 at 9:25 AM (close of loading) at the Westerland/Sylt loading terminal. A limited number of free seats in the company’s own wagons are available for representatives of the press. We ask that you please register as soon as possible.
